Vacation is over? For 3 out of 4 Italians yes, but without giving up weekend trips and farms

With entry in September and the end of vacation For most Italians, it is time to take stock and carry out an analysis with the data already available. And what comes out of it already offers some interesting trends: in the month August has increased willingness to book in advance i Flights to Italy compared to 2022 (+ 16 days ahead), a general trend that can be observed especially for Americans and Spaniards (both +19 days in advance).

Highlight flight booking dates for the month of August a 21% growth compared to 2022driven by the international influx (+28%), led by the United States, which confirmed its appreciation for Italy also in September and October. In August in Italy it turns out 44.6% of the buildings were booked Accommodation on online platforms, consolidating second place after Greece and ahead of France and Spain.

The determined average price is 9% cheaper than the average of the considered competitor countries. In a general context of price increases of accommodation facilities offered on online platforms compared to 2022, in August the spa resorts and that art city On average they are the cheapest. In the months of September And October Prices are falling in all destinations according to seasonal trends.

A month July, the mountain places Italian were greatly appreciated by tourists, particularly in terms of attractions (92.6 points out of 100), short-term rentals (89.7 points) and accommodation options (88.5 points). The latter are especially appreciated by the US tourists (91.2 points) and English (89.3 points).

Coldiretti survey: vacation is over for 3 out of 4 Italians. But they don’t give up a few weekends

Now out of investigation Coldiretti/Ixèwhich draws an initial assessment of the summer of 2023, which is characterized by climate change and high prices, emerges from this For 3 out of 4 Italians, the holidays are over (74%), with the weekend of early September as the red dot traditionally marking the return and repopulation of cities; Although There are no departures and how many have already planned to be away from home for at least a few days? The majority of traveling Italians, explains Coldiretti, have opted for it Reopening of second homes Owned or to stay in those of relatives and friends or for rent, but in the order of preference there are guesthouses and hotels and Agritourism enjoys great popularity, where in the countryside there is the opportunity to attend the traditional autumn activities.

Searches for Italy are up 19% year-on-year

Last month the seeks created on online search engines from abroad for Italy I am increased by 19% respect in the same period of 2022. “From the analysis of the latest data and the first forecasts from September – comments the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanché – Let’s see how it holds up Tendency of tourists to choose Italy as a holiday destination in the autumn months. This is not only about domestic tourism, but also and above all about you come from all over the world with a notable increase in US attendance in this case 2023what is confirmed the year of Italy’s return to the US market”. The head of the Ministry of Tourism adds: “These data show that the strategic plan of the Ministry is going in the right direction and that the seasonal adjustment of tourism is also a market decision, as the Coldiretti/Ixè study also proves.” , Unter considering that Over 10 million Italians have chosen September as their holiday destinationthanks to the mild, generally pleasant climate and a drop in prices.”

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