Travel, stop tampons in Europe and discover new exotic destinations with the Travel Pass

Starting tomorrow, February 1st, traveling to and from Europe will be easier. The new regulation on travel abroad, issued by Health Minister Roberto Speranza, brings changes both for those traveling within the Schengen area and for those preparing a trip outside the European continent.

To those who come from a union country Will be allowed Entry into Italy only with the Green Passport. There is no smear requirement for border crossings, as provided for in the previous regulation from mid-December 2021.

As for extra-continental travel, with theExpansion of Covid-free tourist corridorsup to six new travel destinations are added to the travel destinations that tour operators can already visit and sell passports. These are: Cuba, Singapore, Turkey, Phuket (Thailand), Oman and French Polynesia. They stay confirmed the previous destinations already open to tourists (Aruba, Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Dominican Republic and Egypt, limited to Sharm El Sheikh and Marsa Alam). All goals can be reached by the end of June.

How do the tourist corridors work and what to do to follow the rules when traveling?

We asked for it to Ivana Jelenic, Country President of Fiavet (Italian Confederation of Travel and Tourism Business Associations).

By tourist corridors we mean the routes that start from and arrive on the national territory and that are intended to allow the implementation of controlled trips that include stays in selected accommodation establishments in accordance with specific health protection measures. Approved destinations are those that meet the criteria set by the Ministry of Health. To be ok, travelers have to contact an Italian tour operator who has to provide the whole package: flight, transfers, stay and insurance that covers the entire itinerary.

How do I get the Travel Pass I need for the trip?

It is issued by the Italian tour operator and is included in the purchased travel package. To be okay, you have to have it. All other forms of travel are outside the norm.

What is the current record of the tourism corridors with regard to related sectors and, above all, with regard to infections?

Reservations remain low despite the opening of tourist corridors, especially compared to pre-pandemic years. As far as infection surveillance is concerned, the testing of tourist corridors has gone very well so far. For this reason, in addition to expanding the travel destinations that can be visited, the measure was also extended by a further six months.

Are the refreshments received so far from the tourism sector sufficient or is there a need for further assistance?

The measures taken so far are negligible. There is an urgent need for new refreshments for the tourism chain. Other industries have worked at times, ours is stuck with a sales loss of around 80% even in 2021.

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