the restaurant, which is also an art gallery

He is no stranger to dealing with the great masters of ancient art, Lorenzo Puglisi (Biella, 1971). In 2019, the Piedmontese artist exhibited his works Big sacrifice next toThe last supper by Leonardo, for an unprecedented comparison between Leonardo’s frescoes and contemporary art; Two years later, in 2021, the Florentine exhibition was the place of comparison between the feeling of the Renaissance and the artistic interpretation of a contemporary religiosity – the fulcrum of Puglisi’s research Before Michelangelowhere the crucifixion of the artist in dialogue with the crucifix of Santo Spirito of Buonarroti.

Lorenzo Puglisi, The Great Sacrifice, 2018

Lorenzo Puglisi’s exhibition in Genoa

And now it is Genoa that, in one of the most representative places of the Baroque in the City of the Lantern, welcomes this relationship path that Puglisi has taken with the masterpieces of the past. From November 9th to December 18th, 2023 it will actually happen Basilica of Santissima Annunziata del Vastato among gilded stucco, vault frescoes and a wealth of paintings and statues celebrating the splendor of 17th century art, the crucifixion and the artist’s great sacrifice. In the great church of Prè, among works by Bernardo Strozzi, Domenico Piola, Domenico Fiasella and most of the Genoese protagonists of the Baroque period, Puglisi’s Crucifixion, are placed in perspective in relation to the altar to be enjoyed directly from the entrance; As one crosses the nave and turns around, one’s gaze falls instead on the Great Sacrifice in dialogue with the Last Supper Giulio Cesare Procaccinia 40 square meter masterpiece located on the counter-facade, a true jewel guarded by the basilica together with the dome painted in 1635 by Andrea Ansaldo. But Puglisi came to Genoa through the intercession of the BF Gallery, who, in collaboration with the city administration, created this original homage to the city and thereby reserved another coup de theater for himself. The exhibition is curated by Willy MontiniIn fact, this also continues in the restaurant rooms Is between, which hides its dual nature in the anagram of its name (Etra/Arte): not only a place of hospitality focused on the quality of a unique gastronomic offer, but also an art gallery or a space that serves the dialogue between two disciplines. Just in time for the opening of the Puglisi exhibition, Etra presents itself to the public for the first time in the venue designed in the Palazzo Doria-De Fornari, No. 4 of Piazza de Ferrari.

Lorenzo Puglisi, Crucifixion, 2022
Lorenzo Puglisi, Crucifixion, 2022

Is between. The new restaurant art gallery in Genoa

Etra is (and will be) certainly a high-class restaurant, since it is entrusted to the management of a good chef whose name is known in the gastronomic news of the city (and the country): Davide Cannavino. And it will also be a gallery, with the idea of ​​giving space to art. Nevertheless, he doesn’t want to give himself one label or the other. However, the stated aim is ambitious: “to offer an innovative experience to an audience in search of beauty and to create a sensory synesthesia in which culinary art combines with the contemplation of the works on display,” says the project’s official presentation note. promoted by the BF Gallery, which brings together an entrepreneur who has always worked in the socio-cultural and artistic field and an expert in paleontology and natural history, Alessandro Ferrada And Iacopo Briano. The two partners are no strangers to realizing unusual ideas, such as the Wunderkammer christened in Brussels in 2017, known for having perfected the sale of some dinosaur skeletons before moving to Genoa in 2020 under a new name (STUPENDO) with the ability to surprise remains unchanged. In the city, Ferrada and Briano are also the founders and owners of Tamashi Restaurant, modeled after a typical Japanese izakaia. And perhaps because of the proximity to the two worlds – art and cuisine – the Stupendo project is now evolving into Etra.
In the kitchen, Cannavino was chosen precisely because of his ability to think outside the box. The Genoese chef, born in 1984, has a celebrated past as she continues to announce new things (like the latest RolliPop Bistrot); At Etra, the intention is once again to focus on the creative process, without having to follow fashions and trends. And to work on the ingredient by offering different facets and combining the main courses with satellite suggestions. Certainly work has been done on the environment to improve the exhibition potential, with the lighting by ViaBizzuno, the large Heikō tents by Velaria designed by the architect Marco Ciarlo and the parquet designed by the Genoese company MDV. We worked with the Genoese cartel business to set it up.

Livia Montagnoli

Is between
Piazza de Ferrari, 4

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