The promotion of the manager in the Lombardy region was rejected by the Calabrian Ministry of Health Management

She is considered the favorite for the role of general secretary Region of Lombardya prestigious position in which he would succeed Mauro Fabrizio Fasano. Giuseppina PanizzoliYou, former Pirellone health manager, like a good deal brothers of Italythe party that won the elections, but its name is causing some grumbling even within the coalition after returning from a controversial experience Calabria: Stationed in Cosenza during the Covid, the management of Panizzoli was rejected by a ministry inspection, but at the end of the mandate the doctor managed to be recognized 50 thousand euros performance price.

The case ended up in Parliament and is now returning as a possible stumbling block on the way to the General Secretariat. As previously mentioned, Panizzoli is a name mostly favored by the FdI wing, referring to the former senator Mario Mantovani. A call for bids will be required to elect the Secretary-General, but it is no secret that in these cases a lot also depends on political will, if only in the selection criteria. So it is normal that we are already thinking about some profiles and that Panizzoli has been on the table for a few weeks, with Fasano that could go somewhere else (perhaps to Arpa, the environmental protection company).

However, the chronicles of recent years tell of Panizzoli’s difficulties: in September 2019 is sent as commissioner of the hospital to Cosenza, in a region where the health care system is in a catastrophic state, and is put in charge by the government Saverio Cotticelli and to the sub-commissioner Maria Crocco. With Covid and Health, things are getting more serious with a ministerial inspection uncovering “management failings in corporate governance”. The news gives it away The fact of Calabria a few years ago: There are a number of goals – from completing a new hospital center to hiring – that have not been met. But then Agenas (the National Agency for Regional Health Services), available to Crocco, instead certifies the goodness of Panizzoli’s management, and when the manager packs her bags in January 2021, she takes away a prize of 50,000 euros. The case ends up in Parliament because Francesco Sapia, a former 5-Star who switched to the Alternative, asked the Ministry of Health for information but received no answer. Panizzoli, meanwhile, returns to Lombardy ready for new assignments.

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