The goal is to return to 2019 numbers

After two years marked by the Covid emergency, the Italian amusement park sector is also restarting, albeit with temporary closures and openings. Over 200 parks, 21 million tickets sold in 2019, sales of over half a billion euros.

The first months of opening went well, we returned to 2019 numbers. We expect to return to 2019 volumes this year, bookings are good, we have noticed a trend that seems to be consolidating and that results in them being mostly below date. We used to book months and weeks in advance, now we do it the day before for the next day. It is still too early to draw conclusions, but it seems that there is a desire among the public to be together again and have fun.” This was said by Stefano Cigarini, CEO of Cinecittà World, the thematic amusement park for television and Cinema in Rome.

“L“Covid-19 effect.” it was hard with that Closures to the public It is a Visitor decline of over 70% with corresponding losses proportional to the decline in sales,” says Cigarini, but now The outlook is positiveHe emphasizes: “Our season runs from March to January.” The aim is to return to pre-pandemic volumes” he affirms and adds: “I believe that it is up to us entrepreneurs to roll up our sleeves, do our part after the state has done its part, and restart companies through innovation.” I’ll give you an example: We have an attraction, the Volarium, a flying cinema, a cinema that is 15 meters high and has an aerodynamic platform. Or the Titanic Experience, which opened to mark the 25th anniversary of the release of James Cameron’s film Titanic and the anniversary of the ship that sank 110 years ago,” concludes Cigarini.

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