“The fight against the mafia is the focus of our work”

“I started getting involved in politics when they killed Paolo Borsellino, a few weeks after Giovanni Falcone died. And for me, this example of men from the institutions who are aware of the risks they are taking and yet continue to do their jobs remains one of the most symbolic elements of what drove me to go into politics and where I am am today,” said the President of the Council Giorgia Meloni, meeting with journalists in the Prefecture in Palermo, at the end of the Committee for Public Order and Security chaired by the Prime Minister, which includes, among others, the Prefect Maria Teresa Cucinotta, the Prosecutor Maurizio de Lucia and the participated at the head of the forces of law and order. “The sense of presence here today is not just remembrance, for remembrance has meaning and purpose when this witness is recorded. For this reason we have also participated with all the actors in the Security Committee every day, not only in Palermo, they deal with the fight against criminal organizations, the fight against the mafia, to understand what else is needed and what the government is doing can and must to help these extraordinary investigators, the police forces who have arrested more than 1,300 people 29 refugees have been brought to justice in the last few months. An exceptional work.”

Meloni then recounted the meeting with Manfredi Borsellino in the morning: “He gave me a portrait of his father, I was very happy. He thanked me for being there, I have to thank him.

Meloni will not be attending the torchlight vigil tonight due to related commitments. “I was very impressed by what I read in some newspapers this morning. A controversy stemming from my decision not to attend the traditional torchlight vigil for fear of public order disputes. It’s made-up news, but above.” “Everybody, who exactly is going to deny me? Only the mafia could challenge me,” the prime minister added when meeting with journalists in the prefecture. “How can you challenge a government that has secured the prison for the disabled as the first measure, under whose direction the results are taking place in relation to the contradiction, which announced a few days ago its intention to take a precaution against the concept of organized crime there is a ruling by the Court of Cassation that could pose enormous problems even for the ongoing trials. There was no relaxation of any kind with regard to organized crime. So if anyone wants to come and challenge me, it’s the mafia.”

The Prime Minister then added: “I am sure of only one thing: I am a person who always allows myself to always walk with my head held high. I never run away, I’ve never run away in my whole life, especially when it’s like this.” comes to the mafia. I am here today and will always be here when it comes to fighting the mafia. If anyone wants to stir up controversy because they think it might be useful in fighting the mafia, then do so to lead victory.”

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