The dream of a “remake” of the 100m final won by Jacobs at the Fori Imperiali

Tourism Minister Massimo Garavaglia met the Mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri. During the meeting, in addition to the issues related to the implementation of Pnrr Tourism (Caput Mundi) in view of the 2025 anniversary, the Minister and the Mayor discussed the plan to organize a global sporting event in Rome. That is, in Via dei Fori Imperiali – just before Republic Day – to repeat the final of the 100-meter dash of the Tokyo Olympics, won by Marcell Jacobs. The Tokyo finalists themselves are expected to participate in the exhibition.

“The images of Marcel Jacobs and the Olympic finalists competing along the Via dei Fori Imperiali – said Rome Capital Councilor for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Alessandro Onorato – will be an exceptional place to make Rome known to the world make. Modern key to one.” One of our most iconic locations. Just attending this event will be another opportunity to return to Rome. Sports and major events are an important lever for generating tourist flows. We are working on this policy together with Mayor Gualtieri until the birth of a single program of great events”.

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