“The CGIL fired me”: the former spokesman for Camusso and Cofferati (followed by the municipality of Bologna) attacks the union and files an appeal

Fired from that labor union for a “legitimate, objective reason”. After 40 years less, someone joined the ranks because a separation had actually already taken place CGIL, first in Piedmont and then in Rome. The story he told himself Massimo Gibelli, 64 years old, historical spokesman for various secretaries of the Italian General Confederation of Trade Unions. A post about Facebook also reported in an article about theHuffington Post in which he explains what happened last year 4th of July two years after his role was axed by the current union leader, Maurizio Landini: “After returning from a short while public holidaysI am summoned by the organizing secretary. During the interview I was informed and informed about the “dismissal for justifiable, objective reasons”. registered letter handwritten note stating that “today’s date, July 4, 2023, will be considered his last day of work.” This is followed by thanks and the ritual greeting.”

Dismissed as “pursuant to Article 3 of the Law No. 604 of 1966changed several times over the years, most recently by Fornero reform 2012 and 2015 Employment Act by Renzi,” writes Gibelli again, emphasizing that these were “laws that were strict contested by the union.” The dismissal, he explained, “was contested and the relevant procedures are now underway.” And he specifies that in recent years, as he explained after the elimination of the role of spokesman for the Secretary-General, “I understood it immediately.” available be used in another role, in any position And structure The organization thought it would be profitable to use my skills.” What happened during those two years will be the subject of the appeal.

The paradox of a union laying off workers remains. Gibelli held his first position within the CGIL 1983internally Piedmontese Confederation. In the following years he came to Rome under the wing of Ottaviano Del Turcodeputy secretary of the socialist component during the mandate of Bruno Trentino. Then the 8 year old next to him Sergio Cofferati“on that 25 meter high stage that dominated the three million who came to Rome to defend it.”Article 18 of the Workers’ Statute,” recalls Gibelli in his speech. A quick look at the secretary of Guglielmo Epifanisupported “in the first months of his term in office” before “my resign after the very formative years of my collaboration with his predecessor.”

In fact, the relationship between CGIL and Gibelli was already interrupted at that time: he followed Cofferati in his adventure as Mayor of Bolognaand becomes its spokesman. They were assigned for him 594 thousand euros the compensation for the period of five years next to the “Chinese”, as an article by republic. At the end of the mandate some misunderstanding. “And at the end, Gibelli dismisses Cofferati: ‘A self-referential mandate,’” is the title of an interview that Gibelli himself gave Corriere della Sera on June 12, 2009. “Let’s say Cofferati learned it get hurt Alone!”, Gibelli explained that the relationship had cooled down. “We don’t feel much”. Three years later, with Susanna Camusso, his return to CGIL: spokesman for the first general secretary. It was the 2012before the Employment Act.

In 2019 came the arrival of Landini, then in 2021 the internal restructuring of the CGIL and the leader’s decision to abolish the figure of the speaker. “Two years have passed, done congressThe new secretariat was elected last March, I wrote an email to Organization Secretary – in the union he is the manager responsible for the functioning of the organization, membership policy and very broadly for the staff – I remember this has been the case for two years without office and tasks and confirm my willingness to be deployed wherever it is possible, sensible and necessary,” says Gibelli. Then the announcement of July 4th, the outcry over his statements and the contested dismissal. The CGIL, contact from Ifattoquotidiano.it, declined to comment. What happened and how did it happen? Dismissalthey will decide stamped papers.

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