“The barbarism of war has not left our world”

“Tomorrow we celebrate National Unity Day and Armed Forces Day, remembering those who contributed to making Italy united, free and democratic.” Every fallen soldier in Italy will be honored with the laying of a wreath for the Unknown Soldier Remain in memory.” Said the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, on the occasion of the meeting at the Quirinale with the students of military training institutes. “The professionalism you acquire in your training process will contribute to moral values ​​and skills and aim to address the threats to Europe and work together with our allies to maintain peace and the rule of law,” he added. “The excellence of the institutes where you train, based on world-class academic skills – coupled with the wealth of experience gained from decades of military operations in theaters abroad and at home – will be invaluable to you and enable you to operate in modern scenarios with adequate preparation . To all of you – who here at this moment represent the Armed Forces and the Financial Police – I wish with all my heart a bright future, full of great satisfaction and at the service of the democratic institutions of the Republic,” Mattarella concluded.

Nationalism and fanaticism are far from our values

“Children like you are fighting and dying because of nationalist extremism and fanaticism that is far from our values. The dignity of the person in the first of the fundamental rights of every human being, the right to life, is violated,” said the President of the Republic.

Russian aggression is an attack on UN rules

“The brutal aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine has brought back the awareness that war is still possible in Europe,” said Mattrella. “The war in Ukraine is, first of all, the tragedy of the Ukrainian people, who have been fighting and suffering for over 18 months, with many victims and devastation,” the head of state added, “but it is also a very serious attack on Ukraine. “ the entire international community and the laboriously developed rules within the United Nations. All of this has generally destabilizing effects.”

Peace is fragile, the blame lies with extremisms that are far removed from our values

“The bloody fighting that is ongoing in Ukraine and the massacre triggered by Hamas’s cowardly terrorist attack against unarmed Israeli civilians and the subsequent spiral of violence show, in all their drama, how fragile peace is. The barbarism of war is not that.” has left our world. The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, during the meeting with students of military training institutes on the eve of the celebrations of National Unity Day and Armed Forces Day, emphasized: “People like you fight and die because of extremism, which is far from nationalism and fanaticism .” Our values. Human dignity in the first of the fundamental rights of every human being, the right to life, is violated. In addition to the professional skills you will acquire in your training, there will be added moral values ​​and skills aimed at addressing the threats to Europe and working together with our allies to maintain peace and the rule of law.”

Constant commitment to peace from Italy

“As a founding member of the European Union and NATO, the Italian Republic has, throughout its history, always been committed to maintaining peace through continuous measures to improve and strengthen relations between nations, as set out in our Constitution,” said the President of the Republic. “For over 70 years, the Italian contingents – from the exercise of the trusteeship mandate given to Italy by the United Nations in Somalia in 1950, to today’s NATO missions stationed on the alliance’s eastern border following the conflict in Ukraine were – the… “The Armed Forces have always contributed to international peace and security, thereby strengthening the state and prestige of Italy and receiving recognition for the work done and the important results achieved,” the Head of State added.

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