Storm Rubiales: Fifa opens proceedings. The Spanish government: “The Football Federation must act”

The circle narrows Louis RubialesThe president of the Spanish Football Federation became the focus of controversy for kissing Spanish world champion Hermoso on the mouth during the awards ceremony in Sydney. Fifa has opened a case against the number one in Iberian football.

The Disciplinary Committee, which notified the opening of proceedings against the RFEF’s number 1, denies a breach of the FIFA rules on “Fair Play, Loyalty and Integrity”. FIFA reaffirms “its strong commitment to respecting the integrity of every human being and strongly condemns any behavior to the contrary”.

Meanwhile, on the eve of the Football Association’s extraordinary assembly, Rubiales told his circle of staff to “be strong and have a clear conscience.” This is reported by the newspaper El Español. Words interpreted as a will to defend oneself to the end, thus excluding the hypothesis of resignation. If anything, his hope seems to be getting away with a few months of dormancy.
Several Spanish media reports that Rubiales stayed in his office all day yesterday, still hoping for an intervention from player Jenni Hermoso for him. In the evening, however, a cold shower: not only did the world champion not acquit him, but on the contrary, breaking the silence, demanded “exemplary measures” against him. But Rubiales insists, repeating to everyone that he is convinced he “didn’t do anything wrong”. And new details emerge on the federation’s attempts to convince Hermoso to record the apology video alongside Rublales: El Mundo Deportivo newspaper report that the pressure was also put on national team captain Ivana Andrés.

The floor then at tomorrow’s extraordinary session.


Jennifer Hermoso

On the executive front – after Rubiales was asked for clarifications directly by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez – Presidency interim minister Félix Bolaños said the government expects the Football Association to take action against its president. Bolaños, speaking from Paris, assured that “if these measures don’t work, the government will act,” Spanish media reported.

Interim Minister of the Spanish Presidency Felix Bolanos(handle)

Interim Minister of the Spanish Presidency Felix Bolanos

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