Political and judicial tensions intensify the legal dispute

Before the notes from the Palazzo ChigThethen the Response from the National Magistrates Association. Today the comments from different positions on the words of the President of the Anm, Giuseppe Santalucia.

These are hot hours that promise to be hot, not because of the temperatures but because of the issue that has been growing stronger in recent days, putting the post-case conflict between government and robes into focus Santanché And Delmaster of widows.

Tajani: “Forward with judicial reform”

The words of the Deputy Prime Minister come from the pages of Il Messaggero Tajani: “I limit myself to saying that I find the forced indictment against Delmastro unique.” The Gup cannot become a new prosecutor. It is also for this reason that we, as Forza Italia and as a government, will push ahead with the reform of segregation, which since 1994 has been one of the historic pillars of our program and an unfulfilled dream of Berlusconi.”

“I don’t see any attack on the judges,” he specifies, “we will push ahead with judicial reform, which is a clear obligation to the electorate.” Isn’t the government trying to take revenge on the judges? “Minister Nordio is a judge, it’s obvious that nobody seeks revenge on the judges – the minister replies – Parliament makes the laws, the judges apply them.”

And on the Santanchè case: “The words of the minister are authentic and for us the case is closed,” says Tajani. “It’s a question of principle: We guarantee that you are not guilty up to the third stage of conviction“.

Conte: “Insufferable attacks on robes”

Giuseppe Conte has a different opinion. For the leader of the Five Star Movement, the lawsuit between the government and the ANM is “the umpteenth provocation of an inadequate and dangerous government”. This is what he says in an interview with Qn: “The conspiracy theorists of Palazzo Chigi and Via Arenula in recent days, with which Giorgia Meloni questioned the autonomy and independence of the judiciary, are proof of this.”reactionary rats that this executive has emphasized since the first decree on the rave party. The attack on the judiciary to find a safe passage for his “Italian brothers” Delmastro and Santanché is intolerable, he stresses.

The former prime minister sharply criticizes the reform: “Let’s call it what it is: a counter-reform, which cannot do justice to the citizens who are demanding redress for the wrongs they have suffered. The centre-right is pursuing a plan that jeopardizes the judiciary’s autonomous investigative and punitive capacity.”

Foti: “It is the ANM that seeks confrontation”

Tommaso Foti suggests in the same direction as Tajani: “I see from the ANM statement that a clash is being sought. I agree when it is said that everyone must respect each other’s roles, but when Nordio presented the judicial reform there was an outcry based on leaks that frankly make little sense.”

In the given interview, the Fratelli d’Italia group leader continues: “The principle of reciprocity and not exclusivity must apply to criticism. Otherwise one power would be mightier than the other (…)” It is not a crime to propose judicial reform in Parliament“.

When asked if it seemed that it was Palazzo Chigi who raised the tone with the note on Delmastro and Santanché on Thursday, Foti replies: “To say that the initiative of an examining magistrate is surprising after a prosecutor has has applied for acquittal is not a crime of insult.” -majeste” and sees “an aggressiveness on the part of the opposition that leaves me very perplexed: an obsessive attitude that would find cause for study not in political circles but in other scientific circles”.

Giovanni Mellillo tries to throw water on the fire. According to the national anti-mafia prosecutor, “some sort of freeze on judicial reforms for a few months would be needed to restore some peace of mind.” A truce, a bipartisan commitment Not to make justice a reason for polemical confrontation, but to make it a reason for a common good.”

“We are a country riddled with serious problems such as organized crime and corruption,” he adds, “we need a common defense.”

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