Pa, the Chamber approves the decree after yesterday’s vote of confidence. The text now goes to the Senate

Green light from the Chamber of the Chamber to the Pa Decree Law. The text, on which the government had won MEPs’ confidence yesterday (203 votes in favour, 134 against and three abstentions), was adopted 179 yes votes and 126 no votes. The measure now goes to the Senate.

The points of the Legislative Decree on Public Administration

Abolition of the so-called “joint control” of the Court of Auditors on the projects of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the Supplementary Plan; Extension of the “tax shield” by one year from June 30, 2023 to June 30, 2024 Compensation for tax damages for public officials or persons who manage public funds is excluded in the event of gross negligence. These are the innovations (contested by the opposition) introduced during the Chamber’s scrutiny in the Decree Law on the Strengthening of Public Administrations and in which the government has gained confidence.

The new rules were also criticizes the Association of Accounting Judges who expressed “clear opposition”. The tightening of the Court’s controls was motivated by the government that proposed the change and by the majority that accepted it as such Intervention needed to simplify procedures, avoid duplication and speed up the implementation of the Pnrr’s interventions which must be completed by June 2026.

For the opponents, it is a centralizing and false measure that removes the use of important public resources from the Court’s control. The simultaneous controlwhat is no longer intended for the Pnrr is practiced during construction, while the project is runningand also has a “corrective” value, as it allows you to spot and fix any anomalies immediately. Subsequent management control remains in place, the government emphasizeson the basis of which the Court of Auditors verifies the legality and regularity of the administration, the functioning of the internal controls of each administration and the consistency of the results of the administrative activities with the objectives set.

The other measure that is the subject of disputes between the majority and the opposition is the extension of the law by a year “Tax Shield” This limits the tax liability of administrators, public and private officials entrusted with the management of public funds to the damage caused by fraudulent conduct, thus excluding any liability for gross negligence. The measure, already in force until June 30, 2023, was introduced during the pandemic by the Conte 2 government and extended by the Draghi government with the aim of reducing the phenomenon “Fear of signing”. This decree extends the measure until June 30, 2024.

The measures of the decree on public administration also include, among others the strengthening of the PA staff. in its various central and territorial divisions, with particular reference to the structures and offices responsible for the implementation of the Pnrr, the Opportunity for administrations who are qualified as “performing units” of the Pnrr of Allocation of external personnel management positions beyond the defined limits, Provisions on competitions for personnel recruitment, the faculty for the regions, without additional costs, to apply the state regulations for directly cooperating offices. But also urgent action to implement the great Pompeii project It is a Seat Reserve 15% when hiring non-managerial staff to volunteers who have completed general community service.

Also provided for in the decree Rules for deleting the word “race” through the records of the Pa and the opportunity for foresters to use that Pepper spray against bears.

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