On January 25th and 26th, the pumps will be closed, as will the self-service pumps

Strike at the pumps on January 25th and 26th confirmed. The meeting with the government was unsuccessful. The unions who have just left the ministry: “Deeply disappointed: distanced positions”.

The meeting ended after about an hour: this is the third confrontation in the Mimit – the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy – between the government and service station associations to discuss the decree on the transparency of fuel prices. Now the delegates – acronyms Faib, Fegica and Figisc-Anisa – left the Ministry without giving any explanation. A press conference was later called.

Gas station managers dispute the contents of the decree and had called a strike for the past few days, only to freeze it pending a confrontation with the executive.

Union Statements
“No elements of improvement have occurred at this morning’s meeting, on the contrary, if anything, conditions have deteriorated,” said a member of Fegica, while adding from Figisc: “The table confirmed that we are a category acts for the government.” as in the Middle Ages, being put under surveillance with a shield. According to the national president of Figisc Confcommercio, Bruno Bearzi, “the message that remains is that we are a category that needs to be kept under control because we are speculating: the strike is confirmed”, he adds, “but until at the last moment we are available to see if we can find “room for maneuver”.

Operator: Self-service facilities are also closed

The fuel dealers’ strike on January 24-26 will also affect self-service facilities, but will ensure the minimum level of services. This was announced by the organizers Faib, Fegica, Figisc-Anisa in a press conference. The self-managed facilities, managed directly by the oil companies, could remain open, they say. The protest will last 48 hours and will begin at 7pm on January 24th.

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