News in the library, between feminism and the history of ruins

After several years, a volume that caused a scandal in the late 1950s is once again available in bookstores: The Italians confess. “A society of men and for men, where women are only guests‘ she writes succinctly Gabrielle Park until the publication of the first edition. The book collects over three hundred letters to the editors of two women’s weekly papers that were never published by the magazines concerned because they were considered too shabby or scandalous. In these direct documents, a clear reality of segregation, insecurity, doubt, disappointment and violence emerges, showing the daily struggle of women and their need to always be one step behind men. To complete this new edition, the book begins with an essay by Chiara Tagliaferri.

Gabriella Park – The Italians confess
Nottetempo, Milan 2023
p. 336, €18
ISBN 9791254800478

Gabriella Parca, The Italian Women Confess, cover, Nottetempo, Milan, 2023

Is there a red line between feminist dystopian novels? This question is answered in the affirmative in the new essay by Martina Marrasa: feminist dystopia, published by Meltemi. The aim is not to propose a new literary genre to literary criticism, but rather to trace the philosophical and political roots underlying these novels and to highlight the most radical, representative and problematic contents of this current.

Martina Marrasa – Feminist dystopia
Meltemi, Sesto San Giovanni 2023
p. 180, €16
ISBN 9788855198165

Martina Marrasa, Feminist Dystopia, Cover, Meltemi, Sesto San Giovanni, 2023
Martina Marrasa, Feminist Dystopia, Cover, Meltemi, Sesto San Giovanni, 2023

The Hidden Source. A journey to the origins of consciousness is a book that takes the reader to unknown, mysterious places in search of answers to questions that are far from being solved. How Was Consciousness Born? How did brain activity come about? Questions about the most complex contemporary sciences, more than the origin of the universe or time travel; and the paradox is that the answer lies within us, in our brain. In this essay Mark Solmsformulates an answer based on an unconventional approach and concludes that consciousness does not reside in the cerebral cortex, the seat of intelligence, but in a much less “prestigious” area, the brainstem, which humans share with all other mammals even with fish.

Mark Solms – The Hidden Source. A journey to the origins of consciousness
Adelphi, Milan 2023
p. 504, €39
ISBN 9788845937590

Mark Solms, The Hidden Source.  A Journey to the Origins of Consciousness, Adelphi, Milan, 2023
Mark Solms, The Hidden Source. A Journey to the Origins of Consciousness, Adelphi, Milan, 2023

The ruins appear as passive remains of history, abandoned “remnants” that have come down to us despite the weather, wars, bad weather and all the adverse events of history. But behind the ruins lies a will, an active quest to escape the passage of time. The Egyptians entrusted their mementos to imposing buildings and inscriptions, the Chinese left their mark on stone and bronze matrices preserved by conscientious antique dealers, while the Japanese immortalize time by destroying and rebuilding temples in exactly the same way. But ruins as such have not always been the subject of fascination or study as they have been since the Renaissance. The approaches to these scraps of time from the past to the present of different epochs were different and diverse. Universal history of ruins From Alain Snapedited by Einaudi, traces the fates and misfortunes, approaches, interpretations, uses and studies of ruins from their beginnings to the Enlightenment.

Alain Schnapp – Universal history of ruins
Einaudi, Turin 2023
p. 936, 936 €
ISBN 9788806252649

Alain Schnapp, Universal History of Ruins, Cover, Einaudi, Turin, 2023
Alain Schnapp, Universal History of Ruins, Cover, Einaudi, Turin, 2023

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