Music, colors and dances against construction speculation

In Salvador de Bahia, Carnival is like this: wild music and dancing in the streets of the city.

But in the historic district of Ladeira da Preguiça, we also celebrate to denounce the gentrification and real estate speculation in the area, where the community of residents has been and is the victim of attempted evictions of large real estate properties. The event called “Banho de Marà Fantasia“was self-financed through crowdfunding.

Among the people dancing in the streets of the district, a woman in the video says: “We are experiencing this carnival here after two years of not being able to dance and jump with people: we survived, my Dear, there are people who… “no longer have this opportunity”.

And a young man adds shortly afterwards: “It’s the second time I’ve come and this time it’s much better for me because the neighborhood is quieter and more populated than before, there’s not too much violence, that’s why I like it “and I will always come”.

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