Meloni: “Let’s start discussing the minimum wage.” Tax official: “Tough on the fight against tax evasion”

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said she was ready “to open a discussion with the opposition”. minimum wagestressing that the way forward is to ‘strengthen’ collective bargaining.

“The minimum wage is a good title,” said the prime minister Rtl 102.5,Works very well as a slogan, but risks creating problems in practice.”

“I’m interested in the topic,” explains Meloni, “I’ve read Calenda’s appeals, There is an opposition that is responsible, serious and polite, unbiased. It doesn’t matter to us whether we then find a solution to the problem or not. We will open the discussion and try to understand if there is a solution.”

The allegations of wanting to postpone? “We’re not shifting a position,” is the answer: “You asked for a comparison and it takes time to discuss it, but then you know: How you do it is wrong.”

Tax official: “Reform has been expected for years, strict against tax evaders”

The tax reform will be passed “in the next two weeks,” said the prime minister. A general reform “was expected for decades. We have intervened several times, but never in such an organic way. “On the one hand we want to lower taxes” and on the other “build a different relationship based on mutual trust between the state and citizens, between tax authorities and taxpayers”.

Meloni made sure that “We will be very strict in fighting tax evasionWe are working on trust.” “We are aware of the excessive tax burden on citizens and businesses. “The goal we’ve set ourselves is to make it easier across the board,” he concluded.

Spain: “I smile for the Italian left, so consoled”

On voting in Spain “I read a lot of reconstructions. The result of Vox was to be expected in this context. It turns out that the centre-right movement in Spain, like in Italy, is growing strongly. We will see and I wish the Spaniards to form a government as soon as possible“, says Giorgia Meloni, adding: “We are very close to Spain, but The Italian left makes me smile which consoles itself with the balance of the Spanish left.”

“There is still a year to go before the European elections,” continues the Prime Minister, “and any reconstructions that are being made seem far-fetched to me. The goal is to grow European conservatives, and the contribution of the Italian brothers is significant. Then we’ll see what to do, but we decide after seeing the results, not beforehand,” he added.

Italians ‘must be able to decide who governs’

“Even in Spain, just winning the elections is not enough to be sure that there is a government. A problem that we have often had in Italy has led to an institutional fragility that is becoming a political weakness. We want to propose a constitutional reform: the Italians decide who governs For the nation, the winner of the election must have the opportunity to govern for five years. The element of stability has often been misunderstood in recent years. In Germany, for example, we had three chancellors, in Italy I don’t count the governments. Are there fewer politicians in Italy? No. Something is not working,” said the Prime Minister.

The security of the territory is a priority

Meloni expressed his “complete solidarity with the family of the girl” who died in a tree fall in Lombardy and also expressed the feeling of closeness “to the affected population”. What has happened in the past few hours confronts us with “a critical reality,” said the Prime Minister, “an unpredictable climatic reality that, beyond the emergency, The security of the territory is our priority“Everything we could promise,” he assured, “has been promised.” Now comes the big question of securing, which requires many resources that do not produce an immediate consensus,” he concluded.

I am pleased with the resolution of the Zaki case

The Prime Minister said she was “happy because Patrick Zaki’s case has been solved, for him and for those who fought for him.” There was no barter. In the same spirit, we seek truth and justice for Giulio Regeni.” The Prime Minister stressed that “I am not interested in the controversies, they are about anything.” For the Prime Minister with Egypt “The previous strategy of the left was wrong. An attitude of superiority that makes it difficult to get results.”

“The difference was the government’s approach, which was never superior and paternalistic. We treat each other equally and with respect. This new approach has led to an opening towards Egypt,” said the Prime Minister.

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