Marina Machete, the first transgender woman to win Miss Portugal: “For years I couldn’t take part”

Miss Portugal In 2023 he is 28 years old, he is a flight attendant and She is a trans woman. The beauty pageant has actually also opened registration to transgender contestants, a change in rules that has made this possible Marina machete to take part and win the title of “Most Beautiful in Portugal” and legally represent the country in the competition Miss Universe.

A milestone and a very important signal that Machete testified: “Proud to be the first trans woman to compete for the title of Miss Universe Portugal,” she wrote on social media. It still is: “I couldn’t take part for yearsand today I’m proud to be part of this incredible group of finalists.” Last July, the 22-year-old Dutchman Rikkie Kolle has become the first transgender woman to win the title of Miss Netherlands. The two follow Angela Poncewho became the first trans contestant in the global beauty pageant in 2018.

The 28-year-old persistently fights for the rights of her community and equality: “All women are unique and different. However, equality can only be achieved if we all start from the same starting pointwith the same opportunities, regardless of our privileges, resources, status or social situation,” he explained in an interview.

The competition Miss Italy Instead, it will only be open to women from birth, as the historic organizer pointed out Patrizia Mirigliani: “As long as it continues like this my rules it will be so. And for now I don’t think I’ll change it. The tradition of a competition that has existed for 84 years has its own significance. Italy is a special country. Currently, only two transgender people have asked to participate in Miss Italy. My current regulations don’t allow that.

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