Kenya, a boat capsizes, 3 victims. Save the Italians on board

Italian tourists were also involved in a serious accident off the coast Garoda BeachTo Watamubusy seaside resort in Kenya on the coast of the Indian Ocean. you count at least three dead, Kenyan tourists: a boy, a girl and a woman. The Italians who were on board are all safe: One of them is in the hospital, her condition is defined as “not serious”.

The Farnesina is monitoring the situation in contact with the Italian Embassy in Nairobi.

It all happened when a boat carrying about forty tourists capsized beyond the coral reef during an excursion in search of dolphins. Whoever was on board jumped overboard, but”no one was wearing a life jacketAs local sources write: Kenyans, a girl and a boy. And again: “The Italians on board reached the coast also thanks to the immediate intervention of the Marine Guard of the Kenya Wildlife Service. One tourist was resuscitated on the beach, others were treated for minor bruises at Garoda Resort.” The Malindi Honorary Consulate immediately investigated the matter, checking to see if compatriots with problems were admitted to Malindi and Watamu hospitals.

“There aren’t any missing,” confirms an employee at the Garoda Resort in Watamu.

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