“Italy cannot do it alone. There is no paternalism or predatory attitude in Africa.”

“Italy can’t do it alone”: Antonio Tajani he clarifies this as he goes along Question time in the Chamber of Deputies, in response to a parliamentary question from the PD (Giuseppe Provenzano), asking him to report more concretely and in detail on the extent of the often announced events Mattei plan for Africa. “Since I was Vice-President of the Commission in Brussels, I have insisted on the need for a European Marshall Plan for Africa. Today it is even more necessary. We must involve international organizations and financial institutions, as we did at the Conference on Development and Migration in Rome. We have also made our interlocutors aware of the need for a more comprehensive European and global initiative at the United Nations,” added the Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. “The Italian G7 presidency will provide another opportunity for this Make Africa a priority for everyoneTajani added.

The head of Farnesina summarized some data: “Development cooperation is also an important part. Africa is the main beneficiary of our activities. On the continent we have 400 donation initiatives and more than 40 loan projects with a total volume of over 2 billion euros.”

The Vice President of the Council would like to point out that there is no support from Rome.”Patronizing or predatory attitude. But a real partnership, a relationship at eye level. Africa seen through African eyes. In this logic, we will share some proposals with African governments at the summit in Rome on November 5th and 6th.” “We intend,” said the Foreign Minister, “to systematize Italy’s activities.” And mobilize new resources, not only public. “We want to strengthen joint ventures to locally transform the raw materials in which the continent is rich,” Tajani concluded.

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