Israel, journalists accuse Netanyahu of silencing press: ‘Allow us to ask him questions’

A Week of the war, Zero questions through the press. The association of Journalists Israelis blames the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his attitude towards the media: in one letter open To the Prime Minister, journalists note that so far this is the case all interventions from Netanyahu sent to the TV The press was not allowed and could not speak to him Requests. “In any democratic country – adds the association – the heads of state are closely linked to each other dialog with the public through the media”. After the surprise attack by Hamas, the Israeli press did not fail to criticize Netanyahu governmentwho is – at least according to some – considered guilty of contributing to the escalation with the Palestinian people. Haaretza progressive Israeli newspaper, which has always opposed the current prime minister, even went so far as to request it resignation “After probably the worst day in the history of Israel“.

Today, however, it is all Netanyahu who is criticizing Netanyahu Association of Journalistscalling on the Prime Minister to stop Silence the questions the press and organize a real one as quickly as possible conference Press“since Israel is in one of the security crises more significant in his Story“. The letter notes that Netanyahu has not made any statements since returning to power in January 2023 no interviews to the Israeli media, except for a meeting with some journalists in one small transmitter close to his political positions, Channel 14. However, he spoke up repeatedly broadcaster foreign. “We appeal to the Prime Minister – conclude the journalists – to dedicate this to the press in his next statement large room To Requests And Answerand that these press conferences will then be held a habit“.

The escape from the questions of Netanyahu allows him not to take responsibility for the sensational debacleintelligence and desIsraeli armysurprised by the attack by Hamas, which was so capable of carrying this out massacre In the south of the country. According to figures published by Jerusalem Post, 4 out of 5 Israelis They accuse the prime minister of allowing his actions to allow the murderous actions of the Islamist militiamen who rule the Gaza Strip. 86% of respondents, including 79% of coalition supporters, believe that the surprise attack from Gaza was an attack Fail the leadership of the country. Furthermore, almost all respondents (94%) believe that the government is responsible lack of preparation on security issues that led to the attack on the South, with over 75% believing the government bore most responsibility.

As if that wasn’t enough, the families of the Hamas hostages also expressed their anger against Netanyahu. On Saturday morning, October 14, a group of protesters gathered in front of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, carrying slogans such as “It’s all Netanyahu’s fault“ and “Give us back our children”. The aim of the meeting was protest against the Tel Aviv government’s lack of consideration for the hostages captured by Hamas in the October 7 attack.

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