In the chamber, M5 MP Gilda Sportiello breastfeeds her son in the chamber: it is the first time in Parliament’s history

For the first time in Italian history, a woman MP entered the plenary hall with her child. It happened in the Chamber of Deputies: the MP of the 5 Star Movement, Gilda Sportielloentered Montecitorio with her infant in his arms, along with Riccardo Ricciardi, who breastfed him while he sat in the hemicycle.

It was for breastfeeding create a post in the last upper row of the room: the parliamentarian took her seat, took part in the final vote on the decree-law on public administration and began to breastfeed her baby, which was greeted with unanimous applause.

Federico, just two months old, made his debut in Montecitorio based on Junta decision for ordinance This allows mothers MPs – following an invitation presented by Sportiello himself and approved by the Chamber in the last legislature – to take part in parliamentary work with their children and breastfeed them in the hemicycle until they are one year old.

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