Il Giornale: “Juventus for sale”. Exor denies: “Unfounded hypothesis”

Today’s edition of The newspaper publishes the headline “Juventus for sale“. According to the newspaper founded by Indro Montanelli, the Juventus team “is in a clear crisis, at the center of a legal case as the former president has moved to Holland and the club is on the verge of collapse, a devastated budget, between losses and debts. “, with the prospect, requested by the family itself, of being put on the market after an accounting adjustment, intended for new investors and new owners. The end of an era, the beginning of another company, far from Turin.”

The article talks about “big maneuvers in preparation for the club’s farewell”. It is highlighted that Juventus’ balance sheet, with losses of 240 million, revenues of less than 600 million, even higher debts and a market value of 800 million, burdens Exor in a way that is no longer sustainable.

That’s what it’s all about, he writes The newspaper, of “an asset that needs to be rebalanced, adjusted and brought to market.” A feat defined as “not easy, but no longer impossible.” Exor holds 63.8% of Juventus’ capital. The company is worth almost 800 million euros.

Exor’s denial

“The hypotheses spread by a newspaper about the sale of Juventus have no basis,” explains a spokesman for Exor, the holding company of the Agnelli family that controls the Juventus club.

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