Holidays, 5 million Italians are on vacation over the long Epiphany weekend

With the recent departures, they are striving to go beyond that 13 million Italians decided to go on vacation during the holidayswith a strong one 13% increase compared to last year. These are the data that emerge from a Coldiretti/Ixe survey published on the occasion of the long Epiphany weekend, which around 5 million Italians spent outside their homes due to the favorable climatic conditions. “A very positive balance – emphasizes Coldiretti – with a large majority.” of the 87% of Italians who have chosen to stay on the peninsulawhere there is also the return of foreigners with over 5 million presences in the period under consideration and a decisive turnaround after the difficulties of the last two years.”

The average spending of Italians is 575 euros per person, an increase of 28% compared to the previous year. Over 1/3 of this is intended for table consumption in restaurants, pizzerias, trattorias or farms, but also for street food or food and wine specialties at markets, festivals and village festivals to take home as a souvenir.

Nutrition – Coldiretti underlines it – It has become the main item of the tourism budget also thanks to the immense historical and cultural value of the national gastronomic heritage, widespread throughout the territory and on whose enhancement, says Coldiretti, many opportunities for economic and employment development depend. Italy can count on the most environmentally friendly agriculture in Europe: 5,450 specialties produced according to traditional rules registered by the regions for at least 25 years, 316 DOP/IGP specialties recognized at municipal level and 415 Doc/Docg wines, the leader in organic -Sector with around 86,000 organic farms, 25,000 agritourism establishments that have kept the secrets of rural cuisine for generations, 10,000 farmers in direct sales with Campagna Amica and numerous valorization initiatives, from festivals to wine routes.

On the podium of travel destinations – continues Coldiretti – Cities and art locations are growing with 54%, also due to the lack of snow in the hilly areas, followed by the mountains with 23%, while the rest is spread across the land, sea and thermal baths with the rediscovery of local tourism.

57% chose to stay in their own home or in the homes of relatives and friends, while 34% preferred a hotel However, they maintain alternative formulas such as bed and breakfasts and farmhouses. Coldiretti estimates that there are over a million holidaymakers who chose the farmhouse to stay overnight or eat from Christmas to Epiphany. The ability to maintain food and wine traditions unchanged over time remains – Coldiretti continues – the most valued quality of Italian farms, which has in fact proven to be the most valid alternative to home-made holiday lunches and dinners.

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