Giuseppe Conte interviewed by Vespa in Manduria, follow the live

The “Forum in Masseria” organized by Bruno Vespa in Manduria in Puglia continues and ends today. afterOpening with Prime Minister Giorgia Melonitoday the day starts with the Raffaele Fitto, Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policy and PNRR. The interview focused on questions related to the recovery and resilience plan: “It is wrong to say that we are late” because, among other things, “we are working to verify which projects are not completed on time: we have. ‘ Do it quickly, but don’t rush. We have to do things well,” Fitto stressed.

“I met all the governors, it was great work and in the end we got 19 governors who were positive about our plan and only two were against it.” If the opposite had happened, “I would have said we are. “doing something wrong,” he clarified to Dense.

“The government believes it has a 2021-2027 programming review table that includes a set of targets with a list of precise interventions. We will not generally give money to everyone: There will be 21 resolutions for each individual region and autonomous province, with the list of interventions,” Fitto explained. “I was at the State-Regions conference, we had a discussion with all the presidents of the region: there were some disagreements, but from this discussion a moment of encounter arose”, thanks to which “very clear positions emerged”. I have great respect for the people, but from the beginning there have been some regional presidents who have attacked every day and I have never responded, fearing that the clash is an opportunity to create a stir that will take away the value of the cause might “.

Sangiuliano: “From July 1st you pay entrance to the Pantheon”

“From July 1st, the entrance ticket for the Pantheon, the most visited museum in Italy, must be paid for.” This was announced by Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano in Manduria. “With the proceeds from the tickets, we can feed some soup kitchens and carry out renovation and refurbishment work on the monument, as well as set up the rear part as a museum,” explained the minister, reaffirming his commitment to the retouching upwards, more generally , museum tickets: “There are an ethical reason: if something is worthwhile, it must be paid for.”

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