Food consumption has decreased, more meals outside the home

Food consumption by Italian families is declining, while eating out or using home grocery delivery is increasing. This emerges from an in-depth study by the Confindustria Study Center.

“In 2022 – so we read – consumption by Italian households grew by 4.6%, exceeding analysts’ expectations. At the end of the year it was declining (-1.7%), in the first quarter of 2023 it started to grow again (+0.5%). ), although still below the pre-Covid level (-1.2%). However, behind this positive overall number there is a strong heterogeneity of the courses”, states the study center Confindustria in a detailed analysis. The consumption of goods is “weak” and “weak dynamics” characterize durable goods and especially short-lived goods.

In particular – it states – “the spending of Italian families on groceries has fallen sharply (-3.7% in 2022; -8.7% in the fourth quarter of 2022 from the first quarter of 2021), in contrast to many other items in this area . acted as a ballast for the increase in total consumption, even considering that food expenditure has a 14% share (second only to housing, water and energy expenditure, 23%).

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