First weekend of departure, red flag in traffic

The first real weekend of the summer escape began last night. Many Italians are already leaving, so much so that Viabilità Italia, the transport coordination center of the Ministry of the Interior, is predicting two days of vignette traffic on the motorways today and tomorrow.

On the occasion of the last weekend in July, explains Viabilità Italia, a significant increase in road traffic towards the main Italian and border seaside and holiday resorts is expected.

In particular, the days Saturday, July 29th and Sunday, July 30th are marked with the red plaque. In order to make travel easier for holidaymakers, there is a traffic ban on vehicles weighing over 7.5 t from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday.

As usual, the road and highway management companies and authorities have planned their activities to clear temporary construction sites on weekends and along the routes with the highest traffic volumes and, where clearance is not technically possible, have taken all necessary measures to do so to ensure the greatest possible safety and flow of traffic and to ensure the greatest possible number of lanes.

Italians travel in August
Over 20 million Italians have decided to go on holiday in August this year, a 25% increase compared to July, with a rush to beaches, the countryside and mountains, the streets and highways for the first major exodus of the Summer 2023 This emerges from an analysis by Coldiretti/Ixè, which photographs the great desire for vacation despite the vignette traffic, the climatic anomalies and the concern about the high prices of gasoline and diesel.

Heat-driven descents with the orange badge forecast for high temperatures in 10 provincial capitals. The month of August, traditionally dedicated to holidays and travel, this year registers a clear preference towards national destinations – emphasizes Coldiretti – due to the greater proximity to homes, the desire to rediscover the beauties of Italy or the desire to return there Places where you already know where you have felt comfortable in the past few years and which see the environment, the services and the people in a more relaxed way. But – says Coldiretti – there are also 29% of Italians among travelers who have decided to vacation abroad despite fears related to the problematic international situation caused by the war in Ukraine.

For the majority of Italians traveling (50%), the duration of the holiday is less than a week, while for almost one in three Italians (25%) – emphasizes Coldiretti – it is between 1 and 2 weeks, but there are a very lucky 4%, which will even be canceled for longer than a month. In midsummer it is the sea that takes the lion’s share, with August – explains Coldiretti – traditionally representing the most expensive price lists for accommodation, meals and also umbrellas and sunbeds, but this year is affected by the jump in inflation with the prices surcharges, which affect all aspects of the holiday, starting with the trip.

In midsummer it is the sea that takes the lion’s share, with August, as Coldiretti explains, traditionally representing the most expensive price lists for accommodation, meals and also umbrellas and loungers, but this year is affected by the jump in inflation with the price surcharges , which affect all aspects of the vacation, starting with the trip.

But the alternative options for getting to know a so-called “little” Italy, from the parks to the countryside, from the mountains to the small villages, emphasizes Coldiretti, are also particularly appreciated, as 72% of Italians say they visit on vacation, perhaps even just with a day trip.

According to Terranostra and Campagna Amica, the 25,000 farmhouses in Italy have enjoyed great popularity, driven by the search for more sustainable tourism, which has led to the structures also expanding the range of activities with innovative services for athletes, nostalgics, the curious and environmentalists as well as cultural activities such as visiting archaeological, naturalistic or wellness routes.

This summer, almost one in five Italians (18%) are going on holiday with their pet, thanks to a growing culture of “pet-friendly” hospitality across the peninsula, according to Coldiretti/Ixè analysis, which shows that only a minority of 6% give up because it is not possible to accommodate dogs and cats, but also birds, rabbits, turtles and fish in the facility.

In the summer of 2023 – reveals Coldiretti – food is the most important item in the holiday budget in Italy, since 1/3 of tourist spending is dedicated to food, more than to accommodation, driven by the desire to socialize. Gastronomy and wine tourism represents a privileged market for local food specialties, but is also a driving force for the development of the territories.

In fact, many opportunities for economic and employment growth depend on enhancing the immense historical and cultural heritage of national food and wine.

“Italy is the only country in the world that has records in the quality, environmental sustainability and safety of its agricultural and food production, which has also contributed over time to maintaining an area with landscapes of unique beauty,” explained the President by Coldiretti Ettore Prandini emphasized that “the protection of biodiversity not only has a naturalistic value, but also represents the real added value of the country’s agricultural production and a driving force behind Made in Italy holidays.”

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