Fight against anti-Semitism in football, signing of the agreement with Viminale

A declaration of intent to fight anti-Semitism in football was signed at the Viminale by Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi, Minister of Sport and Youth Andrea Abodi, National Coordinator for the Fight against Anti-Semitism Giuseppe Pecoraro and the President of the Italian Football Federation Gabriele Gravina.

“Today – he explained planted – We close a goal that we set ourselves some time ago. There is a lot to be done on this subject and we also want to dispel any doubt that there may be any resistance or reluctance in the world of sport in this regard.”

In the document, the owner of the Viminale recalled, “is implemented at the level of the code of ethics.” International definition of antisemitism but above all everything is predictable a number of application measuresas the Ban on the use of the number 88 on jerseys (The letter H is the eighth of the alphabet and therefore 88 is used by neo-Nazi groups to salute Hitler, editor’s note). No to neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic symbolsL’Interrupting the game with discriminatory chants and other manifestations of racism, theThere is an obligation to sit in the seat indicated on the ticket“.

“This is a transitional phase on the way to applying, a testimony but also an experience of commitment that we want to guarantee. The contents contained in the declaration not only commit us morally, but are also exhaustive of the cultural leap we want to make,” he said Andrea Abodi, Minister for Sport and Youth. “We are convinced,” he continued, “that this signature will lead to further inter-institutional collaborations, starting with the school, and we are convinced that we can spread this message in the sporting environment.”

“FIGC, leagues, players, coaches, everyone agrees on the message we want to send, the same goes for President Malagò and Pancalli. We did it with football first, but we will do it with other sports federations as well,” concluded Abodi.

“It’s a different document than usual that can produce great results,” he explained shepherd – I hope that these results will be adequately implemented by football clubs and that their spirit will be thoroughly understood in order to avoid situations that could affect public order. Enough with the litanies of condemnation, now is the time to move on to concrete arguments.”

“As the slogan says, we want to ‘fight racism,'” he concluded Noemi Di SegniPresident of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, who “wanted to thank the government and the world of football for a commitment that could not be taken for granted”. I think it’s an important signal that a prestigious football movement like the Italian one also gives at international level”.

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