Expensive fuel bills and bonuses on the table of the Council of Ministers

Giorgia Meloni reunites the Council of Ministers. Measures on the table include: “Urgent energy measures, interventions to support purchasing power and protect savings, as well as extending regulatory deadlines and tax payments.”

Specifically, the new thing is being discussed Gas bonus and that Extension of switching bonuses until December 31st already existing. In practice, also for the fourth quarter of 2023, in order to contain the impact of price increases in the natural gas sector, Arera will “ensure that, for the same quarter, the rates of the tariff components related to the general system costs will be adjusted for the gas sector”. This is what the distributed draft.

The social bonuses for electricity are also confirmed. “For the months of October, November and December 2023, household customers with electricity social bonus will be granted an extraordinary contribution, which will increase with the number of family members according to the typologies already provided for the same social bonus.” For the purposes “will be maximum for the year 2023 Expenditure of 300 million euros approved,” it continues. The provision also provides for the extension of the VAT reduced by 5% on gas bills for civil and industrial purposes for the fourth quarter of 2023: the cost of this measure is estimated at 628.62 million euros for 2023. We read the provision further in the draft regulation “also applies to the provision of district heating services and to the supply of thermal energy generated with methane gas within the framework of an energy service contract”. The burden is “estimated at 41.46 million euros for 2023”.

The decree law will also include the controversial amnesty, which will help Traders and freelancers who have not issued receipts or invoices in the last year and a half.

A draft of this latest measure has been circulating in recent days and takes into account violations (receipts or invoices for small amounts) from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, which will be subject to a strong discount for violations verified and provided by September 30 which could result in fines must be paid by December 15th. It is possible to pay one eighteenth of the minimum amount required by law for this irregularity. The decree excludes those who take advantage of the amnesty from also being protected from criminal consequences (e.g. for the crime of money laundering).

We talk about that too Ratification of some international treatiesas well as minor interventions in the military justice system and a restructuring of the State Department’s staff.

He was born Mortgage bonus for under 36s Anyone buying their first home “will be extended until December 31, 2023.”

Then from 6 p.m. the control room on the Pnrr. On the agenda is “Update on the third installment payment process; Review of associated goals and objectives fourth episode; Verification of the achievement of the associated goals and objectives fifth episode“.

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