End of the year, time for a thousand extensions. The Council of Ministers is discussing three legislative decrees on the topics of collaboration compliance, tax disputes and taxpayers' rights, but above all the question of the super bonus.
December 31, 2023 would be the last day to generate 110% refundable invoices. During work on the budget bill in the Senate, the proposal for an extraordinary budget without extensions or fees emerged. According to the current trend, with each month of extension the super bonus burdens the state treasury with 4.5 billion. This extraordinary Sal, after yesterday's pre-CDMcould become “selective”, that is, it would be a cheaper development of the proposal presented by one of the rapporteurs of the maneuver in the Senate, Guido Quintino Liris (Fdi): that is, an extension would only be allowed for certain types of work considered more worthy. According to information from parliamentary sources, the solution would lie in an ad hoc provision outside the Milleproroghe.
What the Pensions The government would be willing to make another change in direction and allow doctors to retire at 72, a departure from the rules of the Fornero law. Then there's the problem intelligent work: The advance directive extended smart working until March 31, but only in the private sector, both for the infirm and for the parents of under-14s. However, the public question remains as to where smart working is currently permitted (until December). 31.) only for frail employees.
Then there's the matter Dehor, the outdoor areas granted to traderswho have already received an extension for another year under the Competition Act, and also those End of the market for protected gas (which ends on January 10) as for electricity, and not the request to expand the rankings Eligible to participate in public competitions.
The implementation of the first module still needs to be defined IRPEF reform: With the decree in the Council of Ministers, the new system, which reduces the brackets from 4 to 3, can come into force from January. And then there are three more delegated decrees: those on litigation and collaborative compliancewhich lacks final approval, and the one on the taxpayer statute Arrival for the preliminary examination.