Condemn Davigo, I hope he doesn’t get lynched by the media

Let’s start with the facts.

Yesterday the former judge of clean hands and former member of the CSM, Piercamillo Davigowas sentenced to one year and three months imprisonment by the court in Brescia disclosure of official secrecyin addition to the compensation of the colleague with 20,000 euros Sebastiano Ardita, now deputy prosecutor in Messina. The facts for which the former public prosecutor and champion of the executioners was convicted in the first instance are particularly serious, namely the disclosure of facts and news that fall under official secrecy.

It is important to remember that the judgment is only final when it becomes final, ie after a possible appeal and cassation. This cardinal principle of the constitution, that is, innocent pending judgment, applies to all citizens, but the judicialists, often led by the moralist Davigo, have almost never waited not only for a final judgment, but even for a first-degree conviction.

Needless to say, all of the concepts that Davigo has voiced over the past few years need to be recalled. The important thing today is to make people understand that unbridled judicialism has often led to the suffering of moralists bad coherence scores. But beyond that, the behavior of some characters in certain cases shows that power can lead people to believe that they are above the law that they should be enforcing. Because that’s what it’s all about: the power bubble.

The Phantom “judiciary power” It is perhaps most devastating and dangerous when used without real balance and control. Of the three branches of government, it is the most complicated to administer and has certainly had a tremendous impact on our country’s socio-economic life over the past 30 years. If you think about it, from the Tangentopoli years to the present day, the “judiciary power” has been the protagonist rather than politics, which should hold the remaining two powers, namely the legislative and the executive.

But that is not enough, as I have often pointed out, the remaining two powers are also often ruled by them off-duty judges but within the legislative and state offices. In short, a great, real hegemony of judicial power over the life of our society. The Palamara case and the many often forgotten cases should give us food for thought and open new pages of reform. But suffice it to see who is intervening these days against the simple proposition nordio reform, Richter, now Minister of Justice, but officially elected to Parliament.

Anyone who protests against certain issues, such as the publication of irrelevant wiretaps, He certainly has no interest in the proper functioning of the judiciary and respect for the rights and dignity of a person. Those who protest want to continue to use wiretapping with impunity to slander, disparage, or influence the public life of a citizen. In short, what happened in part to Davigo’s conviction in the first instance, namely the disclosure of documents and acts covered by official secrecy. In this case, it is a question of acts that could not really be recognized and used. A practice that is very often circumvented and then magically makes its way into the newspapers.

Facts that happened with enormous nonchalance. And as Paolo Mieli recalled, precisely on the occasion of Berlusconi’s funeral in 1994, when he made the front page of the investigation into Berlusconi while chairing a UN conference on organized crime in Naples, the hand of Prosecutor of Milan. Basically, it is news that is sent directly to the newspapers for purely political reasons.

This is the real knot that should be untied sooner or later: the politics of the prosecutors. That is, judicial power dominates politics. Topics that have been said and repeated many times and that sooner or later they will have to deal with when politics will fearlessly regain its authority. Not in the interest of the individual, but of the entire community. Why justice be useful to the citizen She must not be distracted or interested in politics, but must focus on making the system work and creating the conditions for an often-forgotten legal civilization.

Right now, we don’t want Davigo to suffer that media lynching that others have suffered because of a simple guarantee statement. A term that now seems like an oxymoron.

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