Atlético Madrid's Christmas video moves fans

A video that celebrates brotherhood beyond cheers and moves Spain: Atletico Madrid wanted to wish X a Christmas with a short clip in which a taxi driver, who is a Colchoneros fan, helps an older Real Madrid fan.

She sees him disoriented and lost on the street and offers to take him home. The man is dazed, he can't remember where he lives and finds it difficult to speak, but he shakes himself when the taxi driver starts talking about football, even if his memories are stuck in the past, as Alfredo Di Stefano, nicknamed “Saeta Rubia”. “, played for Real Madrid. , one of the greatest footballers of all time.

The initially surprised taxi driver supports the older man and talks to him until he reaches his destination and then takes him back to his daughter, who is desperately searching for her father's disappearance. And when he gets back into the car, he hangs the Atletico pennant that he had hidden back on the mirror. The slogan is “Higher than Atletico, there are the values ​​of Atletico”.

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