Art and nature in the book of the artist Alberonero

Is titled dear camp work diary the book resulting from the artist’s project of the same name Luca Boffibetter known as Alberonero, between 2019 and 2021 on the banks of the Secchia river in Campogalliano in the province of Modena. An experience that led the artist to create a symbiosis with a field of 290 poplars up to their pruning and to accompany the natural changes of the park through twenty temporary works. The proposals and actions of the artist (winner of the XI edition of the Italian Council) are imprinted in the editorial project created by the laboratory founded by Edoardo Tresoldi. STUDY STUDY STUDYpublished by Viaindustriae Publishing and supported by DGCC of the Ministry of Culture. The first presentation of the book took place in July Sella artcultural partner of dear campbut the schedule includes various appointments in collaboration with the project’s supporters, including the international design and architecture research center Domaine de Boisbuchet in Lessac in France, the Taller Chullima cultural center in Havana in Cuba and the Centro de Investigación Arte y Entorno of the University of Valencia in Spain, the University of Balamand in Lebanon and the cultural association Anda&Fala in the Azores, Portugal.

The project “Dear Campo. Work diary” by Alberonero

Light, fragile, kind, a leaf. “Dear camp. “Diario di lavoro” is a small field notebook, the memory of a poplar grove that tells a love story, about finding yourself, about how to invent a place‘ it says in the artist ad Artribune. Accompanying the natural changes of the field on the banks of the Secchia river, Alberonero introduced twenty temporary works. In order to listen to the “time of the poplar grove”, the works were left to the natural transformation of the place, in direct contact with biological space-time. Over time, the installations have taken different forms and changed hand in hand with the environment. In addition to the works, Alberonero made photographs, audio and video recordings in collaboration with various authors and collected objects and natural materials found on site. A project that therefore also finds form in the pages of the book and, in conjunction with the artist’s direct and poetic writing, reproduces the biography of a poplar field destined for felling.

dear camp Work diary © Alberonero

The studio studio studio laboratory for “Caro Campo. Work diary” by Alberonero

STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO is an interdisciplinary laboratory founded by the artist Edward Tresoldi (Milan, 1987) in Milan and is made up of professionals in the cultural sector committed to the promotion, implementation and support of contemporary artistic projects. A young and dynamic reality open to collaboration with artists, institutions and individuals to accompany them in the organization of design paths, from the concept phase to the production aspects, legal, administrative and communication support.

Valentina Muzi

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