Alessandria tries to rape a woman he met on social media: 23-year-old arrested

They met on a social platform and they had decided to meet. She changes her mind and doesn’t open the door for him. He manages to get in and there hit, tried to rape her. The man – a 23-year-old who had recently arrived in Italy – managed to escape, but in the following days he was arrested on charges of the crime sexual violence, Injuries And Burglary. The attack occurred on the evening of November 22nd Alexandria.

According to the investigators’ reconstructions so far, the two had arranged to meet at their house. When he arrives at the apartment door, the woman changes her mind and no longer wants to open it for him. He doesn’t like it, he gets angry, becomes violent and opens the door by force. He enters the house and locks himself inside, pounces on herhit her and tried rape her. The victim defends herself and screams loudly.

The neighbors hear his screams and immediately call 112. They then go to the landing to warn the woman Carabinieri they arrive. The attacker also heard the conversation and made it too Escapebut was identified through the analysis of digital images and arrested a few days later. When the military arrived, the woman was rescued taken to hospital. Now the man is inside Jail andinterrogation he exercised his right not to answer.

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