6.2 million visitors were expected in Italy, exceeding expectations

A bridge that exceeds all expectations. Tourism accelerates this long Republic Day weekend: Between Thursday 1st and Sunday 4th June 78% of the rooms available online were bookedFor a total of 6.2 million presences in accommodation establishments And a turnover for tourism consumption of around 800 million euros. Compared to 2022, the year in which the long weekend of June 2 lasted 5 days versus 4 this year, the saturation of the halls is increasing (78% versus 75%), but the number of visitors is falling (6.2 million ). in 2023 versus 7 million in 2022). It is valued by Cst for Assoturismo Confesercenti.

favorite destinations

For the last long spring weekend therefore a steady stream of tourists, and not just Italians. A movement that will be more noticeable in the cities and in the art centers, in the places on the lake, on the coast and on the hills. Based on the results of the Tourism Study Center’s usual survey on online booking portals, in fact, the accommodation facilities of art city achieve 83% saturation. Same trend for Lakeside location which have an online availability saturation of 84%.

On the other hand, somewhat lower values ​​were found for the structures of rural/hilly and maritime areas, 82% and 80% respectively. The booking flow towards mountain resorts and spas: The former has 68% saturation, while the latter increases to 70%. At the territorial level, supply saturation is quite differentiated. The regions with the highest employment rates are Liguria and Lazio (89%), e.g Tuscany and Campania (88%). Positive results are also expected for Lombardy, Veneto and Umbria. Reservations are recovering in Emilia-Romagna: however, the impact of the flooding is discounted at a percentage (70%) lower than in previous years, but still encouraging for the tourist and economic recovery of the area. However, 250,000 overnight stays have been lost in the last ten days, which corresponds to a loss of turnover of at least 35 million euros for accommodation providers; Above all, the foreigners who were already crowding the beaches of the Romagna Riviera were missing.

“Tourism continues and is once again proving to be one of the most important economic sectors in Italy,” says Vittorio Messina, President of Assoturismo Confesercenti. “The recovery in bookings in Emilia-Romagna, which had slowed after the flooding, is encouraging.” more. The narrative must be verified: the Romagna Riviera has always remained open and can be booked with confidence, a concrete contribution to restarting the economy of the region, which has one of its pillars in tourism.”

The price increases

But not even under an umbrella, he says feather consumatoriwill the Italians be spared from price increases: According to the data collected, the cost of the June 2 bridge is high overall 11% increases. More specifically, the cost of the sun lounger (which is back in fashion among Italians, +42%), the cost of the parasol (+16%), the season pass (+29%) and the day pass (+12%) are increasing everything. The tightness of the family budget forces citizens to opt for shorter and cheaper uses of these services, so that in the facilities there are again half-day formulas for those who want to enjoy the comfort of the facilities after 2 p.m.

L’National Consumer Unionhas drafted the Istat data released yesterday the ranking of the highest prices in May. “Very worrying increases in anticipation of the upcoming summer holidays. In just one month, hotel numbers have increased by 5.8%A visit to the swimming pool, fitness studio or bathhouse is already 9.8% more expensive than in April, the record for economic growth. “When the morning dawns, the holidays become a big problem for Italians’ wallets and there is a risk of a hot summer with prices,” says Massimiliano Dona, President of the National Consumer Union.

Regarding the ten best holiday-related entries of the year, in first place domestic flights with an increase of 43.2% compared to May 2022. Silver medal for international flights with an increase of 36.6%. At the bottom of the podium is ice cream, up 22%. In fourth place are national travel packages, which increased by 19.2%, in contrast to international packages, which dropped out of the ranking with a significantly lower +2.4%. In fifth place are hotels, motels, guesthouses and the like, for which you have to pay 15.2% more than in the previous year. It is followed by amusement parks and sports services with +10.8%, fast food with +8.4%, holiday villages and campsites with +8.2%, restaurants, bars and dance clubs with +5.7%. At the end of the ranking are swimming pools, fitness studios, bathing establishments and discotheques with +4.9%. Rail passenger transport (+3.8%) is not included in the ranking.

But to add even more concern, the monthly surcharges. Winners of the absolute top ten, based on all goods and services, are swimming pools, fitness studios, bathing establishments and discotheques, for which 9.8% more is paid out in May than in April. In second place is the rental of transport vehicles with a price increase of 6.2%. Bronze medal for hotels, motels and guesthouses that grow 5.8% in just one month. Things are not much better for those who want to read a fiction book while on vacation, for which they have to pay 5.1% more. Fresh fruit follows in first place among foodstuffs with +4.9%. In sixth place, despite concerns about the birth rate and expensive baby formula, the price rose 3.3% compared to April instead of falling.

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