212 million visitors are expected

A hot summer is expected for tourism: the receptive system Italian should register 212 million visitorsThe 6% more than in 2022. The main drivers of growth are Foreigner. As the survey shows Assoturismo-Confesercentiprepared by the Centro Studi Turistici in Florence based on a sample of 1,492 hotel operators in Italy.

Positive predictions that could improve and the values ​​could Go back to the precovid patients. They are expected to rise again this year foreign visitwith an increase of 9% with over 100 million visitors from June to September. Within the EU i will be most present FrenchThe SwissThe DutchThe Austrian hebrewelgiwhile tourists arrive mainly from outside the European Union Great Britain and give it United Statesattracted by the sea but also by the cities of art and the rural and hilly areas.

The Italian that I will move, that will be 3% more than last year with almost 110 million visitors. The hotel industry is expected to grow 6% more than in 2022, driven by the influx of foreign tourists

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