A swim in Lake Sirio, here is summer for those who love swimming in Piedmont

Summer is of course a time for vacation and relaxation. Less than an hour’s drive from…

Open to Wonder’s Venus “influencer” isn’t releasing anything

Much ado about nothing: this “Venus Influencer” it was so requested and paid for by the…

Todi Festival, the review where theatre, music, literature and visual arts dialogue: here you will find all the planned events

The tribute to the actress Iaia Forte to the poet Patricia Cavalli it is powerful. A…

China facing a “Lehman Brothers moment”?

The international financial world does not seem to have learned much from the lessons of the…

General Vannacci is relieved of his command

General Roberto Vannacci, the focus of controversy over what is in a book, was relieved of…

At the Coverciano gates, Luciano Spalletti is ready to say yes

Luciano Spalletti is now at the Coverciano gates ready to say yes. A matter of hours.…

Isola della Maddalena: Controls at sea in one of the most popular tourist destinations – from TG1

During the days of August 15, the Carabinieri of the Naval Service intensified their activities

Carlos Cruz-Diez in mostra a San Gimignano

In occasione del centenario dalla nascita di Carlos Cruz-Diez, Galleria Continua ospita per la prima volta a San…

“Cat Killer”: He picks her up on the street, takes her home and lets her die. Here comes the eviction from the Dwelling of Terror

He collects cats from the street, brings them home and he lets them die in the…

Chinese real estate is scaring the stock markets

The resilience of the Chinese economy is again worrying the markets. Milan opened after the mid-August…