The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni has arrived at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin Welcome from the Federal Chancellor, Olaf Scholz. The Prime Minister will take part in the Italian-German government summit Signing of the German-Italian action plan for strategic cooperation. The main topics include i Migrants and the new EU government.
The Prime Minister was accompanied by Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani, as well as Interior Ministers Matteo Piantedosi, Defense Minister Guido Crosetto, Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, Economy and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, Labor Minister Maria Elvira Calderone and Research Anna Maria Bernini.
This is the first intergovernmental summit attended by the Meloni governmentas evidence – as sources from Palazzo Chigi emphasize – “of the importance that the Italian government attaches to relations with Germany”.
The last Italian-German summit took place in 2016, when the two governments led by Matteo Renzi and Angela Merkel met in Maranello. Seven ministers from the Italian side and seven from the German side will take part in the summit. When visiting Meloni and Scholz They will sign an action plan to strengthen bilateral and European cooperation. The agreement is divided into five chapters (Economy, Innovation and Social Cohesion; Climate, Energy and Environment; Foreign and Defense Policy; European Agenda and Migration; Civil Society Contacts and Culture) and completes the “triangulation” between the three main European nations ( Italy, Germany and France) after the conclusion of the Aachen Treaty and the Quirinale Treaty: In contrast to the latter, the Action Plan does not require parliamentary ratification.
The day starts with one “Economic Forum” organized by Confindustria and Bdi, the Federation of German Industries, in which the main Italian and German companies will take part and which will be opened and closed by the two heads of government. They will follow bilateral meetings between Meloni and Scholz and in parallel between the different ministers. They are then held there Signing of the action plan and joint declarations to the press from the two leaders.
The summit will conclude with a plenary session in which the Prime Minister and the Chancellor will report on the results of their respective discussions. The focus of the work is on all essential aspects of bilateral cooperation (politics, economics and energy), in the European context (migration, economic issues and enlargement of the Union) and internationally (Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, conflict between Israel and Hamas and African crises).
Giorgia Meloni with Chancellor Scholz
The program:
At 1 o’clock Meloni and Chancellor Olaf Scholz will join forces virtual meeting of the heads of state and government of the G20 countries.
At 3:30 p.m The opening of the work is planned Economic forum and government summit. Ministers who are not involved in the economic forum will hold bilateral meetings with their counterparts in their respective offices.
At 4:30 p.m Meloni will arrive at the Federal Chancellery bilaterally with Scholz and at 5:40 p.m It is expected Signing ceremony of the German-Italian action plan for strategic cooperationwhich will be followed by joint statements.
From 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m The final plenary session of the summit will take place.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni during the virtual meeting of the leaders of the G20 countries